
Fourth meeting of the advisory board

Begin: Fri, 10. of Nov 2017 ( 9:00 AM)
Location: Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Paderborn

The 4th CRC 901 advisory board meeting took place at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute on November 10, 2017.

To get important suggestions, assessments and recommendations regarding the acceptance of the "On-the-Fly" approach by the economy and by society, we have set up the CRC 901 advisory board with high-profile personalities from academia and industry. The focus of the 4th meeting was on questions concerning the development status of the "TestBed" and an application scenario of OTF Computing in the field of machine learning. Moreover, we discussed also questions concerning the stabilization and further industry transfer options of the on-the-fly computing paradigm.

The four CRC 901 advisory board members as well as the group of all CRC members participating at the 4th board meeting.