Talk of Prof. Dr. Mar­tin Er­wig (Ore­gon State Uni­ver­sity)

On August 28, 2019, Prof. Dr. Martin Erwig will give a talk about "Type-Directed Transformations of Spreadsheet Tables" in the context of the SFB 901.                                                                                       


Spreadsheet tables are often labeled, and these labels effectively constitute types for the data in the table. In such cases tables can be considered to be built from typed data where the placement of values within the table is controlled by the types used for rows and columns. In this talk I present a new approach to the transformations of spreadsheet tables that is based on transformations of row and column types. After illustrating the basic idea of type-based table construction and transformation, I will demonstrate some advanced operations that involve type refinement and aggregation operations, and I will also sketch a proposal for a visual notation to define transformations. Finally, I will present the results of a preliminary evaluation of a prototype implementation.

Short Bio:

Martin Erwig is the Stretch Professor of Computer Science at Oregon State University. His teaching and research is focused on programming languages and explainable computing. He studied computer science at the University of Dortmund, Germany, and completed his PhD and Habilitation at the University of Hagen, Germany, before moving to Oregon in 2000. He is the author of the award-winning book "Once Upon an Algorithm: How Stories Explain Computing".