
Second SFB 901 Sem­in­ar in sum­mer semester 2021

On May 12, 2021, the 2nd SFB 901 seminar in the summer semester will take place.

4:00 - 5:00 subproject T2
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer + Jan Bobolz
Title: Privacy-Preserving Incentive Systems

The talk will be held via BigBlueButton.


Many supermarkets, airlines, etc. offer incentive systems in which customers can collect loyalty points over time and then later exchange them for rewards. In practice, such systems are usually privacy nightmares because every time a customer engages with them, he reveals a persistent identifier linked to his identity (as opposed to doing grocery shopping anonymously). 

Using cryptographic methods we developed in C1, we can build digital incentive systems in which the customer can collect and spend points anonymously, i.e. without revealing any personal data. In the transfer project T2, we seek to implement and evaluate such a privacy-preserving system together with our partner Diebold Nixdorf.

In this presentation, we will discuss our T2 vision and then explain how to construct an anonymous incentive system using very simple cryptographic techniques.