Tools and de­mon­s­tra­ti­on sys­tems de­ve­lo­ped in the third fun­ding pe­ri­od

Si­tua­ti­o­nal Busi­ness Mo­del De­vel­oper

The Situational Business Model Developer (SBMD) supports situation-specific business model development by adjusting the development methods as well as the business models to the actual situation of the developing organization.

SBMD page



Cryptimeleon is a software library that makes it easy for cryptographers to prototype their constructions.

Cryptimeleon page



The CoDiDroid framework allows to build cooperative Android app analysis.

   -> CoDiDroid page




The Android Merge Tool (AMT) allows to merge multiple apps into a single one while maintaining analyzability.

   -> AMT page



A static slicer based on Soot and Jimple that can be employed in cooperative analysis contexts.

   -> Jicer page




A testing tool for testing ML models with respect to the tester specified properties

-> MLCheck page

