Talk gi­ven by Prof. Dr. Mar­tin Er­wig (Ore­gon State Uni­ver­si­ty, Cor­val­lis, USA)

On October 9, 2012, Prof. Dr. Martin Erwig from the Oregon State University, USA, will give a talk about "Type Inference for Variational Programs" in the context of the SFB 901 colloquium.


Through the use of conditional compilation and related tools, software projects can generate a huge 
number of related programs. The problem of typing such variational software is very difficult. The 
brute-force strategy of generating all variants and typing each one individually is usually infeasible 
for efficiency reasons. Moreover, it produces results that do not map well to the underlying 
variational program. The choice calculus is a formal model for the systematic representation of variation 
in software that supports, in addition to the selection of individual variants, the desing, querying, and 
transformation of variation structures. Using the choice calculus as a variation representation, the typing 
problem for variational software can be addressed by inferring variational types for variational programs 
such that each program variant selected from the variational program has the corresponding type variant 
selected from the inferred variational type. In this talk I will first give a short overview of the essential features 
of the choice calculus and then talk about the problem of variational type inference. Beyond solving the 
variational typing problem, the shown techniques provide support for a wide range of other static analysis 
tasks for variational software.