
Ar­ne Schwa­be has suc­cess­ful­ly de­fen­ded his PhD the­sis on "Da­ta-Cen­tre Traf­fic Op­ti­mi­sa­ti­on using Soft­ware-De­fi­ned Net­works"

Begin: Wednesday, 21. of February 2018 ( 10:00 AM)
Location: Warburger Str., room O3.267

On Wednesday 21, 2018, Arne Schwabe has successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Data-Centre Traffic Optimisation using Software-Defined Networks".

Arne Schwabe was team member of the SFB 901 subprojects A2 and his supervisor is Prof. Dr. Holger Karl. We sincerely congratulate Arne on passing the examination!

Dr. rer. nat. Arne Schwabe