
Block Cour­se on "Ad­van­ced Mi­cro­e­co­no­mics"

Begin: Fri, 23. of Jan 2015 ( 9:00 AM)
Location: Room: tba

The course is a combination of a lecture and seminar for PhD students, PostDocs and interested master students and takes place as a block course end of January (lecture part) and end of February 2015 (seminar part).

The course "Advanced Microeconomics" is organized by Professor Dr. Claus-Jochen Haake and Dr. Sonja Brangewitz and takes place as a block course end of January (lecture part) and end of February 2015 (seminar part).Selected topics from the books "Microeconomic Theory" by Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston and Jerry R. Greene shall be discussed. The focus of this course is on Information Economics and Reputation.Further information is available in koaLA. Therefore, if you are interested to participate please register for the course in koaLA.