
Co­rin­na Hall­mann has suc­cess­ful­ly de­fen­ded her PhD the­sis

Begin: Fri, 11. of Dec 2015 (11:00 AM)
Location: Warburger Str. 100

On December 11, 2015, Corinna Hallmann has successfully defended her PhD thesis on "Optimierung von Wasserbehältern in einem Wasserversorgungssystem mittels einer Kombination aus Netzreduktion, mathematischer Optimierung und hydraulischer Simulation".

Corinna Hallmann was team member of the SFB 901 subproject C3 and her supervisor is Prof. Dr. Leena Suhl. We sincerely congratulate Corinna on passing the examination!

Dr. rer. pol. Corinna Hallmann