
Phil­ipp Schu­bert has suc­cess­ful­ly de­fen­ded his PhD the­sis on "Sca­ling Sta­tic Who­le-Pro­gram Ana­ly­sis to Mo­dern C and C++ Soft­ware De­ve­lop­ment"

Begin: Monday, 21 of October 2024, 1:00 pm
Room: F0.231                                                                        

On Monday, 21 of October 2024 Philipp Schubert has successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Scaling Static Whole-Program Analysis to Modern C and C++ Software Development"

Philipp Schubert was team member of the SFB 901 subproject B4 and his supervisor is Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden. We sincerely congratulate Philipp on passing the examination!