
CRC mem­ber Eric Bod­den re­cei­ves award for out­stan­ding re­sea­rch in com­pu­ter sci­ence

The world's largest society for computer sciences (ACM) honored Prof. Eric Bodden's research in computer science and awarded him the title "Distinguished Member".

This year, 62 international scientists receive this award. Among other things, these researchers deal with topics such as artificial intelligence, human-machine interaction and cyber security. Criteria for the award are at least 15 years of professional experience as well as significant achievements in the field of computer science. "The award is a great recognition of the work of my entire research group. I am very pleased that our work has received such international recognition," said Bodden.

Since 2016, Bodden has headed the "Software Technology" group at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute of the Paderborn University and is Director for Software Technology and IT Security at the Fraunhofer IEM. He is one of the leading experts in the field of secure software development and focuses on the development of high-precision tools for automatic program analysis. The most prominent example is the analysis tool "Soot", which hundreds of researchers worldwide use to analyze and visualize Java and Android applications. Soot is nowadays also the basis for several open source projects as well as commercial products. "The wide distribution of our tools also leads to an increased visibility of our research results", explains Bodden. He sees this as a great incentive to constantly develop these tools further and make them available to the research community.

The ACM brings together, with about 100,000 members worldwide, researchers and experts to stimulate dialogue, share resources and address the challenges of computer science. The ACM supports the professional development of its members by creating opportunities for career development and professional networking.