
Talk gi­ven by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mar­kus Fidler + Dr. Bren­ton Wal­ker (Leib­niz Uni­ver­si­ät Han­no­ver)

Begin: Monday, 2. of July 2018 (10:00 AM)
Location: Warburger Straße 100, room O3.267

On July 2, 2018, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Fidler and Dr. Brenton Walker will give a talk about "Performance Bounds for Multi-Server Systems with Synchronization Constraints" in the context of subproject C4 of SFB 901.

Abstract of the talk:

Parallel computing has become a standard tool with architectures such as Google MapReduce, Hadoop, and Spark being broadly used in applications such as data processing and machine learning. Common to these systems are a fork operation, where jobs are first divided into tasks that are processed in parallel, and a join operation where completed tasks wait for the other tasks of the job before leaving the system. The synchronization constraint of the join operation makes the analysis of fork-join systems challenging, and few explicit results are known. In this work, we formulate a max-plus server model for parallel systems which allows us to derive performance bounds for a variety of systems in the GI|GI and G|G cases. We contribute end-to-end delay bounds for multi-stage fork-join networks. We perform a detailed comparison of different multi-server configurations, including an analysis of single-queue fork-join systems that achieve a fundamental performance gain. We compare these results to both simulation and a live Spark system.