
Prof. Dr. math. Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide

Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide appointed as a new member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts

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Photo: Prof. Dr. Sandra Zilles (University of Regina, Canada)

On May 15, 2013, Prof. Dr. Sandra Zilles will give a talk in the context of the SFB 901 colloquium. Title of the talk: The combinatorial structure of concept classes that can be learned from a small number of examples

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On May 8, 2013, the 2nd SFB 901 seminar in the summer semester will take place.

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Philipp Möhlmeier (Bielefeld University, BiGSEM)

On April 22, 2013, Philipp Möhlmeier (Bielefeld University, BiGSEM) will give a talk in the context of the SFB 901 colloquium. Title of the talk: A degree-distance-based connections model with negative and positive externalities

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Dr. rer. nat. Markus Happe

On April 19, 2013, Markus Happe has successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Performance and Thermal Management on Self-adaptive Hybrid Multi-Cores". Markus Happe is team member of the SFB 901 subproject B4 and his supervisor is Prof. Dr. Marco Platzner. We sincerely congratulate Markus on passing the examination!

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On April 17, 2013, the 1st SFB 901 seminar in the summer semester will take place.

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A two-week lecture block on "Configuration and Diagnosis" held by Professor Kleine Büning will take place in the period from April 4 to April 19, 2013, in the lecture hall O2. The lecture block is motivated mainly by the research topics of the SFB 901 and is offered specifically to master students.

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Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer

The CRC 901 member and Vice President of the University of Paderborn Professor Wilhelm Schäfer has been awarded with the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award 2013.

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Within the 4th internal workshop of the CRC 901 a special prize has been awarded to Peter Kling for the best presentation at the CRC 901 seminar hold in WS 2012/13.

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The 4th SFB 901 Workshop will take place at the Campus Lounge at the University of Paderborn on March 19, 2013.

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