Workshop on Foundations of Network Science

This event will be organized as satellite workshop of the "40th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming" (ICALP) and will take place on the 7th of July, 2013, at the University of Latvia in Riga.

Network science is an interdisciplinary academic field which studies complex networks such as engineered networks, information networks, biological networks, cognitive and semantic networks, social and economic networks. Designing complex communication networks of the future needs a deep understanding of the interplay between the physical networks, the communication networks, and the social networks involved. Obtaining such an understanding is challenging not only because of the many disciplines involved but also because these networks are self-organizing and dynamic by nature. The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum where researchers working on complex and dynamic networks can meet and exchange ideas.

For more information please visit: 
Foundations of Network Science