Tool-Suite containing SSE, MatchBox, LM Configurator, SimuLizar, and Functional Analysis Tools.
-> SeSAME page
Service Specification Environment for describing services comprehensively and transforming specification languages using by-example techniques.
-> SSE page
Framework for matching services using a comprehensive matching process and fuzzy matching.
Functional analysis of pre- and postconditions and data flow.
-> Functional Analysis Tools page
Provides modeling support for self-adaptation rules as well as new analysis for scalability, elasticity, and efficiency.
The goal of the market demonstrator is to demonstrate and evaluate the feasibility of an On-The-Fly service market.
ConfigMate is a tool to automatically compose a new service operation from a given set of service operations.
Proof-Carrying Hardware Demonstrator
Integrates proof-carrying code and programs-from-proofs in software analysis tool CPAchecker.
-> SoCeTs page
The On-The-Fly Image Processing demonstrator aims for emphasizing the benefits of applying On-The-Fly Computing service composition techniques to the image processing application domain.
-> Image Processing Demonstrator page
CrACo - Cryptographic Access Control Tool for Large Scale Systems
-> CrACo page
MaxiNet extends the famous Mininet emulation environment to span an emulation across several physical machines. This allows to emulate very large SDN networks.
-> MaxiNet page
The simulator provides functionalities to implement and test scheduling strategies and evaluate them.
-> SchedSim
Heterogeneous Node demonstrates the execution of service compositions on different computing resources deployed in a single heterogeneous server.
The Water Tank Optimization tool can be used to support the planning process for tanks in a water distribution system.
-> Water Tank Optimization page
The Ontology Optimization Models tool implements the process of Algebraic Modeling Language (AML) Derivation for an ontology represented optimization model.