Install SimuLizar
- First, install the Service Specification Environment (SSE). SSE provides modeling editors to specify service specifications and compositions with the Service Specification Language (SSL).
- Second, install SimuLizar via the update site: SimuLizar extends the SSL with the capability to specify reconfiguration rules. These rules describe how a service composition can be reconfigured, e.g., in order to maintain a stable quality-of-service.
Getting Started
A simple model which can be analyzed with SimuLizar can be obtained from our SVN repository [1]. This composition consists a load balancer and two cloud computing servers running a service application instance. Each cloud computing server is running an application instance. However, initially only one server is active, i.e., the load balancer directs the whole workload to this server. Only in case the overall response time exceeds the threshold of 3 seconds, the second server will be activated and load is delegated to it. This is done in 10% steps until the load balancer equally directs 50% of the load to each server.
- Matthias Becker, Markus Luckey, and Steffen Becker: ''Performance analysis of self-adaptive systems for requirements validation at design-time''. In Proceedings of the 9th international ACM Sigsoft conference on Quality of software architectures (QoSA '13), p. 43-52. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2013.
- Matthias Becker, Joachim Meyer, and Steffen Becker: ''SimuLizar: Design-Time Modeling and Performance Analysis of Self-Adaptive Systems''. In Proceedings of the Software Engineering Conference (SE 2013). Aachen, 2013.
In case you have questions about SimuLizar, please contact Matthias Becker.