
1st Ger­man Day on Com­pu­ta­tion­al Game The­ory

Begin: Thu, 13. of Feb 2014 (10:00 AM)
Location: Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Fürstenallee 11, Paderborn

This event was organized and supported by the Heinz Nixdorf Institute and the CRC 901 "On-The-Fly Computing" and took place on the 13th of February, 2014, at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute at the University of Paderborn.

The 1st German Day on Computational Game Theory is aimed to bring together researchers from Germany and neighboring countries who are interested in algorithmic or computational aspect of game theory, social choice and related areas. This one-day event shall provide an opportunity to foster collaboration, present research, and exchange new ideas. The program consisted of invited talks and contributed presentations.

For more information please visit: 
<link https: alg veranstaltungen german-day-on-computational-game-theory _blank>1st German Day on Computational Game Theory