
Best Pa­per Award on EWSDN 2015

Begin: Wed, 30. of Sep 2015 (10:00 AM)
Location: Bilbao, Spain

The paper "HybridTE: Traffic Engineering for Very Low-Cost Software-Defined Data-Center Networks" written by Philip Wette and Holger Karl within the SFB 901 project C4 wins the Best Paper Award on EWSDN 2015.

The European Workshop on Software Defined Networks (EWSDN) has been focusing during the last years in bringing together, in a highly interactive event, researchers and practitioners at the leading edges of software-based networks, following a rather practical approach and seeking for being useful to establish links, technical exchanges and interactions among the community in Europe and beyond.

This year’s program including a diverse and comprehensive set of papers, posters and demos testifies. The prevalence of real demos in EWSDN is a distinct differentiating factor, as is the single-track, discussion-oriented nature of the program. EWSDN features 17 full-paper oral presentations, lightning talks introducing 6 short papers presented as posters, and 7 demonstrations, covering a range of topics from wireless to testing, and crossing the popular topics of service chaining and performance evaluation. All contributions, including posters and demos, had an acceptance ratio lower than 50%, showing the widespread support for this event. EWSDN is also complemented with tutorials from FELIX and UNIFY, and the first ONOS Hackathon.

The paper "HybridTE: Traffic Engineering for Very Low-Cost Software-Defined Data-Center Networks" written by Philip Wette and Holger Karl gets the Best Paper Award on EWSDN 2015.

We sincerely congratulate the team of authors on their outstanding success!