
Fre­derik Si­mon Bäumer has suc­cess­fully de­fen­ded his PhD thes­is

Begin: Wed, 26. of Jul 2017 (10:00 AM)
Location: Fürstenallee 11, room F0.231

On July 26, 2017, Frederik Simon Bäumer has successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Indikatorbasierte Erkennung und Kompensation von ungenauen und unvollständig beschriebenen Softwareanforderungen".

Frederik Simon Bäumer is team member of the SFB 901 subproject B1 and his supervisor is Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michaela Geierhos. We sincerely congratulate Frederik on passing the examination!

Dr. rer. pol. Frederik Simon Bäumer