
Joachim Hein­zel has suc­cess­fully de­fen­ded his PhD thes­is on "Es­says on the The­ory of In­dus­tri­al Or­gan­iz­a­tion: Cre­dence Goods, Ver­tic­al Re­la­tions and Product Bund­ling"

Begin: Wednesday, 5 of  February 2020, 4:15 pm
Location: Warburger Str. 100, room Q4.245

On February 5, 2020, Joacheim Heinzel has successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Essays on the Theory of Industrial Organization: Credence Goods, Vertical Relations and Product Bundling".

Joachim Heinzel is team member of the SFB 901 subproject A3 and his supervisor is Burkhard Hehenkamp. We sincerely congratulate Joachim on passing the examination!

Dr. rer. pol. Joachim Heinzel