
Prom­in­ent Pa­per Award 2015 of the Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Journ­al

Begin: Sat, 25. of Jul 2015 (10:00 AM)
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

The paper "Label ranking by learning pairwise preferences" written by Eyke Hüllermeier et. al. wins the "Prominent Paper Award 2015" of the "Artificial Intelligence Journal" for the best publication within the period 2008 until 2015.

Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), which commenced publication in 1970, is now the generally accepted premier international forum for the publication of results of current research in this field. The journal welcomes foundational and applied papers describing mature work involving computational accounts of aspects of intelligence and reports results achieved as well as proposals for new ways of looking at AI problems including demonstrations of effectiveness.

The AIJ Prominent Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers published not more than seven years ago in the AI Journal that are exceptional in their significance and impact.

The 2015 PROMINENT PAPER AWARD was given to:
Label ranking by learning pairwise preferences
Eyke Hüllermeier , Johannes Fürnkranz , Weiwei Cheng , Klaus Brinker
Artificial Intelligence, Volume 172, issues  16-17,  November 2008,  pages 1897-1916  

Excerpts from the laudation: "This paper is a key paper in the area of preference learning. It studies the problem of label ranking, which is concerned with learning a mapping from instances to rankings over a finite number of labels. The authors introduce the Ranking by Pairwise Comparison algorithm (RPC), which first induces a binary preference relation and then uses this relation to derive a ranking. The paper contains appealing theoretical results (that RPC can minimize different loss functions) as well as empirical results (that RPC is competitive in terms of accuracy and superior in terms of efficiency). The paper shows the elegance and power of a natural and intuitively appealing approach. It has been influential in the field of preferences and preference learning."

We sincerely congratulate Eyke and his team of authors on their outstanding success!