
We are currently offering positions for student research assistants; Student, Bachelor’s and Master’s Theses; and ambitious graduates in Computer Science or in Business Informatics for joint collaboration on our research projects.

Stu­dent Re­search As­sist­ant

During your studies, you can already work at SFB 901 as a student research assistant and actively shape the development of new methods and techniques, not just experience them second-hand. From the very start, SFB 901 gives you the opportunity to work independently and gain valuable experience for your professional career after graduation — no matter whether in a technical field or as a highly regarded assistant in scientific research.

Are you interested? Please contact our research staff.

Stu­dent, Bach­el­or's and Mas­ter's Theses

When writing their practically-oriented Student, Bachelor’s or Master’s Theses in SFB 901, students of Computer Science and of Business Informatics gain insight into the many different facets of our research field: Our comprehensive advice provides all the support you might need during your thesis research, and you can incorporate your findings and developments into the research projects of SFB 901. As an SFB 901 researcher you do not write a thesis just for the bookshelf. You are exploring fascinating topics for the IT world of tomorrow.

Are you interested? Please contact our research staff.

Gradu­ate Stu­dents

For our SFB 901 research projects we are looking for creative, dynamic graduate students in Computer Science and in Business Informatics who are interested in mastering the challenges of creating the innovative IT services of the future. As an academic research assistant you will have the opportunity to work independently on the research topics that SFB 901 has to offer. The close contact with industrial partners, wide range of project experience, and world-wide network of scientists involved in the projects of SFB 901 open up excellent career opportunities for you. A PhD thesis together with an instructing position in SFB 901 will give you the right impetus for starting a career in a higher position. With our active research assistant qualification concept and cooperation with PACE (Paderborn Center for Advanced Studies) we foster both your professional and your personal development and offer you a diverse workday in a dynamic environment that combines academic research and technology.

Are you interested? Please see the list of our job offers.