In­stall­a­tion via Ec­lipse Up­date Site

for SSE, MatchBox, LM Optimizer and SeSAME

Short information ahead:

If you have any problems with the installation or beyond, please contact us.

Detailed installation manual:

  1. Java 1.6 or higher has to be installed on your system (Linux: Java 1.7)
  2. Download "Eclipse Modeling Tools" from here.
  3. Start Eclipse
  4. Open menu Help -> Install New Software...
  5. Add the SeSAME Composite Update Site using the button Add...
    • name: "SeSAME"
    • location: see SeSAME update site link above
  6. Wait a moment until the list of available features appears
  7. Mark ''SeSAME''
  8. Click Next
  9. Review the items to be installed and click Next
  10. Agree to the license agreement
  11. Click OK, when the security warning message appears
  12. Restart Eclipse when you are asked to
  13. Now you can use SeSAME (including SSE, MatchBox, and LMO)