On December 18, 2012, Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Becker will give a lecture about "Quality Engineering of Dynamic, Multi-Resource Systems" in the context of the SFB 901.
Entwickler moderner Softwaresysteme sind aktuell mit neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Einerseits werden Softwaresysteme…
On December 12, 2012, Prof. Dr. Martin Skutella will give a talk about "Unsplittable and k-splittable flows in single-source networks" in the context of the SFB 901 colloquium.
Given a network with a single source and several sinks with associated demands, we study flow problems with…
On December 12, 2012, the 4th SFB 901 seminar in the winter semester will take place.
Talks will be held from subprojects B3 and A3. 16:00-16:45 (B3) Title: Utilizing Domain Knowledge to verify Service Compositions (Abstract) Speaker: Sven Walther
17:00-17:45 (A3) Title: Contract Design for High…
On December 4, 2012, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Roland Meyer will give a talk about "Robustness Checking Against TSO: Attacks and Defence" in the context of the SFB 901 colloquium.
Programmers often assume concurrent programs run on sequentially consistent (SC) processors that execute the actions of each thread…
On November 28, 2012, the 3rd SFB 901 seminar in the winter semester will take place.
Talks will be held from subprojects B2 and A2. 16:00-16:45 (B2) Title: Basiskonfigurator: Theoretische Konzepte und prototypische Realisierung (Abstract) Speaker: Alexander Jungmann + Yuhan Yan
17:00-17:45 (A2)…
On November 27, 2012, Prof. Dr. Kurt Mehlhorn will give a talk about "Physarum Computations" in the context of the SFB 901 colloquium. Abstract:
Physarum is a slime mold. It was observed over the past 10 years that the mold is able to solve shortest path problems and to construct good Steiner networks…
On November 20, 2012, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Richter-Gebert will give a talk about "Ornaments, Symmetry and Algorithms" in the context of the SFB 901 colloquium.
Ornaments are an omnipresent part of human culture and form intriguing objects connecting art and science. This talk focuses on plane…
On November 7, 2012, the 2nd SFB 901 seminar in the winter semester will take place.
Talks will be held from subprojects C2 and C1. 16:00-16:45 (C2) Title: Engergy-efficient On-The-Fly Scheduling (Abstract) Speaker: Peter Kling
17:00 - 17:45 (C1) Title: Attribut-basierte Verschlüsselungsverfaren: Eine…
On November 6, 2012, Dr. Peter Lewis will give a talk about "Engineering Self-Aware Computing Systems" in the context of the SFB 901 colloquium.
Novel computing systems are increasingly being composed of large numbers of heterogeneous components, each with potentially different goals or…
On October 23, 2012, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Sorge will give a lecture about "Datenschutz: Herausforderung für Informatik und Recht" in the context of the SFB 901.
Datenschutz wird oft als Schutz des Einzelnen vor Beeinträchtigung in seinem Persönlichkeitsrecht durch Umgang mit seinen…