The course is a combination of a lecture and seminar for PhD students, PostDocs and interested master students and takes place as a block course end of January (lecture part) and end of February 2015 (seminar part).
Academy President Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. med. habil. Hanns Hatt and the Minister of Science of North Rhine-Westfalia Svenja Schulze congratulate the 17 new members of the "Junges Kolleg" and wish them much success in their scientific work
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michaela Geierhos is appointed as a new member of the "Junges Kolleg" of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts
On December 12, 2014, Daniel Kaimann has successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Decision Making under Asymmetric Information in Markets for Experience Goods: Empirical Evidence of Signaling Effects on Consumer Perceptions". Daniel Kaimann is team member of the SFB 901 subproject A3 and his supervisors are Prof. Dr. Bernd Frick and Prof. Dr. Claus-Jochen Haake. We sincerely congratulate Daniel on passing the examination!
The paper "Deferring accelerator offloading decisions to application runtime" written by Gavin Vaz, Heinrich Riebler, Tobias Kenter and Christian Plessl within the SFB 901 project C2 wins the Best Paper Award on ReConFig 2014.